11+ English & Verbal Reasoning Practice

11+ English & Verbal Reasoning Practice

Verbal Reasoning

This quiz will give you 10 random questions from any of the 21 possible verbal reasoning question types.

English - Synonyms

Note: You must be logged in to use the online quiz.

  • Click on ‘Start Quiz’ when you are ready. You can attempt the quiz as many times as you want.
  • Make a note of any new words you come across during the quizzes.
  • Pick one answer that has a similar meaning to the word in question.

English - Prefixes/Suffixes

This quiz will ask you 10 questions related to the selection of prefixes and suffixes.

English Comprehension Quizzes

English - Comprehension - A

Click this link to open ‘Comprehension A – The Swiss Family Robinson’.

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

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